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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Book Review: Children's Trilogy

Hello everyone!

Today I have the pleasure of sharing about a recently published children's book written by my friend, Rachel Clausman. Rachel is a Torah observant believer in Yeshua and home school graduate who strives to glorify YHVH with her writing. This is Rachel's first published book (but her second book is on its way!).

It is comprised of three stories and numerous color illustrations by Sandy Mason. The three stories are called “Miriam, Come Sit”, “Phineas, the Talker”, and “Who Made the World?”. I have had the privilege of reading all of them myself, and found each to be valuable stories which can provide children with wisdom for their walk with Yeshua and YHVH, and keep them interested at the same time.

Miriam, Come Sit” tells the story of a little foster child named Miriam who learns about Pesach (Passover), one of YHVH's set apart times, and it's spiritual and physical meaning. It helps to teach children the significance of Yeshua in the Passover, and how He leads us sinners out of the bondage of sin.

Phineas, the Talker” demonstrates that "pride comes before the fall" and that our actions speak louder than our words. It's interesting to note that even a children's book like this can be enjoyed and applied by older children and even adults!

Who Made the World? shares the creation story in a simple way for children to understand it. It also highlights the importance of the Shabbat rest which YHVH ordained.

By publishing these stories, Rachel hopes to inspire young children in their walk with YHVH and Yeshua, but people of any age can read and be blessed by them!

I would encourage you to pray about including this book in your home library!
This book is hardback with 84 pages and is available for purchase here.

Blessings and I hope you enjoy ~ Leah


  1. This looks like a wonderful little story book! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  2. This sounds like a great book! Thanks for the review!

  3. We ordered this book before Passover. My son enjoyed the stories. It was so refreshing to have a book that I could read him that was in line with our beliefs & used the Names. I would recommend this book. Cute drawings, too!

  4. Anonymous, thanks so much for commenting. We always appreciate hearing from those who have read the book.

  5. She is my Best Friend and knows how to write :D I love her and her book is the best :D


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